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Toaster ​

Make your toasts fly from the toaster!

View SourceΒ 

Usage ​

@import "winduum/src/components/toaster/index.css" layer(components);
@import "winduum/src/components/toast/index.css" layer(components);
import { insertToaster, insertToast, closeToast } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

document.querySelector('#insertToast').addEventListener('click', () => {
    insertToaster(document.querySelector('dialog[open]') || document.body, {
        classes: 'items-end'
    insertToast(document.querySelector('.c-toaster'), {
        title: 'Hello toast!',
        text: 'Amazing toast!',
        end: `<button class="ui-btn muted ml-auto" data-action="closeToast">Close</button>`

    const closeToastButton = document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="closeToast"]')[document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="closeToast"]').length - 1]

    closeToastButton.addEventListener('click', ({ currentTarget }) => {

Variants ​

  • toaster-defaultΒ 
  • toast-defaultΒ 
  • toast-contentΒ 

Installation ​

Follow instructions for individual framework usage below

  • winduumΒ 

Example ​

<button class="ui-btn" id="insertToast">Show toast</button>

<script type="module">
    import { insertToaster, insertToast, closeToast } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

    document.querySelector('#insertToast').addEventListener('click', () => {
        insertToaster(document.querySelector('dialog[open]') || document.body, {
            classes: 'items-end'

        insertToast(document.querySelector('.c-toaster'), {
            title: 'Hello toast!',
            text: 'Amazing toast!',
            end: `<button class="ui-btn muted ml-auto" data-action="closeToast">Close</button>`

        const closeToastButton = document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="closeToast"]')[document.querySelectorAll('[data-action="closeToast"]').length - 1]

        closeToastButton.addEventListener('click', ({ currentTarget }) => {

JavaScript API ​

showToast ​

  • Type: (selector: HTMLElement, options?: ShowToastOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Applies an enter animation to existing toast.

Example ​

import { showToast } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

document.querySelector('#showToast').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await showToast(document.querySelector('#toastElement'))

ShowToastOptions ​

visibleClass ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: in

autoHide ​
  • Type: number
  • Default: null

heightProperty ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: --c-toast-height

close ​
  • Type: CloseToastOptions
  • Default: {}

closeToast ​

  • Type: (selector: HTMLElement, options?: CloseToastOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Applies an exit animation to existing toast and removes it from DOM.

Example ​

import { showToast } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

document.querySelector('#closeToast').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await closeToast(document.querySelector('#toastElement'))

CloseToastOptions ​

hiddenClass ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: out

heightProperty ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: --c-toast-height

insertToaster ​

  • Type: (element: HTMLElement, options?: InsertToasterOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Inserts a toaster into the DOM. Apply before inserting any toasts.

Example ​

import { insertToaster } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

insertToaster(document.querySelector('dialog[open]') || document.body)

InsertToasterOptions ​

classes ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

A string representing a CSS classes, you can use it for positioning. Apply justify-start or justify-end or flex-col-reverse to show toaster on top.

insertToast ​

  • Type: (element: HTMLElement, options?: InsertToastOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

Inserts toast into a toaster.

Example ​

import { insertToast } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

insertToast(document.querySelector('.c-toaster'), {
    title: 'Hello toast!',
    text: 'Amazing toast!',
    show: {
        autoHide: 3000

InsertToastOptions ​

classes ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: undefined

A string representing a CSS classes, you can use it for additional styling.

title ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Title for the toast.

text ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

Text for the toast.

start ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

HTML content you can add to the start of the toast.

end ​
  • Type: string
  • Default: ''

HTML content you can add to the end of the toast.

show ​
  • Type: ShowToastOptions
  • Default: {}

closeToaster ​

  • Type: (selector: HTMLElement, options?: CloseToastOptions) => Promise<void>
  • Kind: async

All toasts are closed and toaster is removed from DOM.

Example ​

import { showToast } from 'winduum/src/components/toaster'

document.querySelector('#closeToaster').addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await closeToaster(document.querySelector('.c-toaster'))

Released under the MIT License.